Vzen Spindle Oil

Vzen Spindle Oil


Vzen Spindle oil is blended from highly refined superior quality base oil and additives having high viscosity index, good oxidation stability, antifoam and providing a good film strength and resistance to rusting and corrosion. It provides excellent performance for lubrication of machine tools and other equipments, where low viscosity oils are required.


Vzen Spindle oil is recommended for Spindle bearings of ring frames operating at very high rpm, also recommended for lubrication of looms and textile machinery.


Vzen Spindle Oil

  • Provides good oil film strength.
  • Has Good demulsibility.
  • It has high chemical stability.
  • Spindle oil uses to resist rusting and corrosion
  • Spindle oil can greatly reduce build-up of varnish, sludge and other deposits Spindle oil can greatly reduce build-up of varnish, sludge and other deposits
  • It can also provide enhanced oxidative and thermal stability
  • Spindle Oil allows equipment to function at the optimum level without needing down time to cool.


Vzen Spindle Oil- IS 3098:1983 (Reaffirmed 2014)