VZEN IND III is a blend of distillate fuel with a additives. VZEN IND III is commonly used as a fuel in industrial and commercial applications. It is a low-sulphur distillate fuel oil derived from hydrocarbon oil through a distillation process and filtered to meet the need of Industrial boilers and give best performance. It has high Gross Calorific value. It is recommended for all types of Industrial Heating application. VZEN IND III is low viscosity oil, high flash point and low pour point to give best performance throughout the year. It is pure petroleum-based oil and has very low carbon low Sulphur and low ash content.
VZEN IND III is a premium quality fuel oil for sensitive heaters. VZEN IND III is highly recommended for the food industry and Ceramic industries as a fuel in furnaces and boilers where low Sulphur residual fuel is required. VZEN IND III is recommended for slow speed (below 750 RPM) diesel engines used in agriculture pump sets. VZEN IND III is also used as a fuel in furnaces, boilers, Air preheaters, Fertilizer plants, Bunker, DG sets. As Fuel in Thermal Power generation, as a Fuel in Thermic Fluid Boilers, As Fuel in Hot-Mix plant, Iron & Steel Factory, Forging units, cement, paper, rubber, Metal Processing, Hot Mix plant and Batch mix Plant.
The benefits of using VZEN IND III is under:
- It Is a very light viscosity material which works smoothly for the burner & heaters
- It reduces maintenance cost and fuel consumption
- It is environmentally friendly fuel oil.
- It is free from black smoke and carbon
Product characteristics
Appearance : Clear bright & free from impurities
Viscosity at 40°C : 2.5 to 15.7 cSt
Pour Point, max : 12 °C
Flash Point, Close cup, min : 66 °C