VZEN IND IV (also known as Light oil, LVFO or Low Viscosity Oil) is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation. VZEN IND IV is a light viscosity dark colour liquid fuel that is burned in a furnace, heater or boiler for generation of heat or used in an engine for the generation of power. It can be used in place of Light Diesel Oil (LDO) as it has higher GCV & Low Cost. VZEN IND IV is the most economical fuel available for industrial application. It is the most used fuel oil for industrial heating applications in Metal & Steel industry, Engineering and Leather industry.
VZEN IND IV is a most recommended fuel oil for Industrial Furnaces. VZEN IND IV is also recommended for use in metallurgical furnaces, pottery and brick kilns, cement & lime kilns, glass furnaces etc. VZEN IND IV is also used as fuel oil in steam raising in the processing industry and thermal power stations. It is recommended for use in various special applications in marine engines and for power generation, for drying tea leaves, in gas turbines for power generation and as a feedstock for fertilizer manufacturers.
The Advantages of using VZEN IND IV is under:
- It has a very high Gross calorific value GCV.
- It can be stored easily.
- It is most economical fuel oil for industrial heating as compared to others fuel oil
- It is a pretty much stable, combustible, non-explosive product.
- It is much safer, more efficient, and gives more warmth than natural gas.
Product characteristics
Appearance : Clear bright & free from impurities
Viscosity at 50°C : 4 to 15 °C
Gross calorific value Kcal/Kg : 10350
Flash Point, Close cup, min : 66 °C
Density : 0.84 to 0.89 at 15°C