Vzen HMO Tea Spray Oil
Vzen HMO Tea Spray Oil
Vzen All Season HMO Tea Spray oil is specially refined emulsifiable oil, used for protecting various plants, trees and orchards from the harmful attack of pests. It is made up of refined petroleum oil with very high paraffinic content, high-unsulfonated residue and optimal molecular weight to provide maximum pesticidal control and no plant damages.
Vzen All Season HMO Tea spray oil is sprayed using conventional spraying equipment in the form of oil in water emulsion. It kills insects and mites by enveloping the pest with a continuous film of oil, which interferes with the breathing and excretion process and ultimately causes death by suffocation.
Vzen All Season HMO Tea Spray Oil Controls a wide variety of other pests and other diseases on apples, citrus, mango, pomegranate, tea, chilly and various other fruits and crops. Anand Oil All Season HMO Tea Spray Oil enhances plant safety and lower phytotoxicity when used at recommended dosage.
Proprietary Grade